










On Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024, I got up around 7:00 a.m. PST and left my house at 7:50 a.m. to go to college.


From today, students, including me, have started analyzing data about a virtual company. Based on the data, we will find some insights that will help the company improve.


This task is going to be done in groups, and each group consists of three or four students. My partners are a Korean woman and a Brazilian man. Fortunately, my partners are so motivated that we have progressed well so far.


Group work is challenging for me because I prefer working on tasks individually rather than helping each other. In fact, I struggled with making a presentation with another student when I studied at a language school. While the role of each person is clear and separate in a real working environment, the roles of each student aren’t determined in advance, and this vague relationship, in my opinion, makes it harder for all members to cooperate.


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