





カナダ政府が公開しているデータを基に、私が作成した地図。2024年11月~12月にかけての各地の降雪量を示している。降雪量が0だった地点もしくは、データがなかった箇所は、表示していない。地図の©は、2025 TomTomと2025 Microsoft Corporation






On Thursday, January 16th, 2025, I got up at 1:30 p.m. PST and stayed home all day. Like the recent weather here, today was sunny.


Following the past two days, I continued researching statistical information about Canada’s climate. The topic I chose was snowfall. Contrary to my expectations, there has been no snow in Vancouver this winter, which made me curious about how much snow other regions have received.


Using data published by the Government of Canada, I visualized the total snowfall for November and December 2024 across various locations nationwide. On the map below, red points indicate areas that received 50 cm or more of snowfall, while blue points represent areas with less. The darker the shade, the higher the recorded snowfall.


The map shows that significant snowfall was recorded in many locations. While there was no snow in Vancouver’s urban areas, some inland regions of British Columbia did receive snowfall.


Regarding major cities in eastern Canada, while neighborhoods near downtown Toronto and Montreal recorded zero snowfall, both cities’ international airports reported totals exceeding 20 cm. I found these results surprising, as I am unsure what causes the difference between urban areas and the airports. Additionally, Vancouver International Airport recorded a total of 4 cm of snowfall, which also seemed unusual to me.


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