この鳥は恐らくユキヒメドリだ。eBirdというウェブサイトによると、いくつかの亜種があるらしい。私が見たのは、Oregon Juncoという亜種だろう。
On Saturday June 1st 2024, I got up at 11:30 a.m. PST. I left my house in the afternoon to take a walk. A park I visited made me comfortable because it had huge fields with some corridors.
There were unique sign in the shapes of people doing Tai Chi. It was evident that Tai Chi was popular with neighbors. In fact, someone with a beautiful fan was practicing it at a house near the park.
I found a bird that I had never seen before. The bird, with a black head and a brown back, was walking around the park.
It was probably a Dark-eyed Junco. The website called eBird mentions that there are some subspecies. The bird that I saw was one of the subspecies, and is called Oregon Junco.