




今日の授業から、Microsoft Power BIについて学び始めた。データの可視化に役立つツールらしい。私はこのツールを一度も使ったことがなく、これからの授業が楽しみだ。


Power BIの認定資格を、先生が紹介してくれた。ぜひとも資格取得を目指したいところだ。


On Tuesday, November 19th, 2024, I got up around 2:30 a.m. PST and left my house in the morning to go to college.


Regarding the homework that was due yesterday, I heard from some classmates that they hadn’t finished it. They explained that they didn’t have enough time to complete it or that the task was too challenging for them. Whether these excuses were reasonable or not, not completing the homework never crossed my mind as an option.


From today, we are learning about Microsoft Power BI, a tool for data visualization. I have never used it before and am excited to learn this new skill.


The teacher introduced us to a Power BI certification. I hope to reach the level required to get certified.


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