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On Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, I got up at 2:00 p.m. PST and stayed home all day.


Continuing from yesterday, I researched statistical information about Canada. While I previously visualized the immigrant population in each province, today I want to explore their countries of origin.


As I did yesterday, I used the 2021 Census Profile data published by the Government of Canada. In the map below, the larger the bubble on a country, the higher the number of immigrants from that country. The bar chart below displays the top 10 countries of origin for immigrants.


The map and bar chart show that more immigrants came from India than from any other country. The number of immigrants from China and the Philippines is also quite large, which aligns with my expectations. On the other hand, the difference between the number of immigrants from China and Hong Kong surprised me. While there are 0.7 million immigrants from China, there are only 0.2 million from Hong Kong. I had expected the number of immigrants from Hong Kong to be higher than that from China.


In the dataset I used, I couldn’t find the number of immigrants from Japan, even though data on Korean and Taiwanese immigrants was available. This may suggest that Japanese immigrants are a relatively minor group in Canada.


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