可視化に使うツールとして専門学校ではPower BIを使っていた。一方、このオンラインコースではTableauを扱っている。まだ少ししか使っていないものの、Tableauの扱い方はPower BIとかなり違うように感じる。ExcelとGoogleスプレッドシートほど似てはいない。
On Sunday, December 22nd, 2024, I got up around 12:30 p.m. PST and stayed home all day.
Although I had originally planned two activities for today, both fell through. One was going to church with my host mother, and the other was ice skating with my friend. While I appreciated the rest at home, I felt guilty about my host mother, as she had consistently invited me to church on Sundays since I moved here.
At home, I studied through a Google online course. Within the data analytics curriculum, I learned about data visualization tools. For instance, I created a map showing CO2 emissions by country, with areas colored according to emission levels.
While my college taught Power BI, this online course covered Tableau. Having used both data visualization tools, I found Tableau quite different from Power BI – they’re not as similar as Excel and Google Sheets are.