
ダウンタウンの大聖堂近くでは、かつてあった古めかしい建物が更地になっていた。数日前のCBCのニュースによると、その建物は「Dunsmuir House」と呼ばれ、115年の歴史をもつそうだ。過去10年ほどは空き家になっており、最近ついに取り壊されたという。

専門学校や語学学校がDunsmuir Houseの近くにあったので、私はいつも建物の横を通っていた。歴史的な建物というより不気味な印象が強く、これまで一度も写真を撮ったことがなかった。だが、取り壊された今となっては、写真を撮っておけばよかったと後悔している。
On Friday, January 24th, 2025, I got up at 4:00 a.m. PST and left home in the afternoon to take a walk.
I walked around downtown Vancouver, passing by Science World and BC Place. Although Taylor Swift’s concerts at the stadium had ended more than a month ago, a huge sign was still displayed on a wall there.
While walking near a cathedral downtown, I saw an empty lot where an old building used to stand. According to a CBC news report from a few days ago, the building was called Dunsmuir House and was built in 1909. It had been vacant for about 10 years before finally being demolished recently.
Since the campuses of the college and language school I used to attend were near this building, I often walked past it. I found it more eerie than historical, so I had never taken any pictures of it. However, after hearing the news of its demolition, I regretted not having done so.